Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Christmas and The New Year

Christmas was an interesting time here. The buckets of snow that dumped on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were amazing and perfect. The small quiet Christmas Eve traditions Will and I just started were even more so. My crazy loud family was also a great time.

Lots of games, movies, too much food and too little personal space are usually what makes up my family gatherings, and this year was no different. Although Will and I slept at our house, we spent all our time at my parent's house with the family. I think if it weren't for our 1-2 hours of peace at our house each day we would have exploded. Although we love my family dearly, Will and I both agreed that we need to focus more on us growing as a family, and less on my extended family. We don't have kids yet, but we are  110% a family that needs looking after.

New Year's was a great time. Lots of games and food. I was nervous about Leo and fireworks, but turns out he's obsessed with them. It's almost as if he thought that they were birds.

We are changing wards on Sunday, and we could not be more excited. We liked our old ward, but the boundaries were way too confusing, and the bishopric was sort of... absent?
Anyway, we are keeping our 11 o'clock time, moving to the closer, newer building, and the boundaries only span out to the edge of our development. We are elated.

This is going to be a terrifying year for me, as I will be graduating and starting to teach. Because of this I am taking the advice of all of my Lit. and Education teachers and doing more pen on paper writing. I'm starting up my journal again. So I'm not sure how much more I will be using this blog.
Either way, this year my biggest goal is to make myself happy, and focus less on making sure everyone else is happy first (this goal brought to you by the husband Will) and to find what makes me happy I think that I need to do more writing.

The end

Saturday, October 24, 2015

More School

It's been a while since I posted, but I'm taking 19 credits, so cut me some slack.

When I was a senior I thought I had senioritis. I was ready to graduate and go to college, to move on and forget about a large majority of the people I was in school with. I think I did have an itch to leave, I mean, a legitimate one where going to school every day was the pits for a while. However I still had AP tests and softball season in the Spring, so that helped I think.

Now that I'm a senior in college I want to laugh at 18 year old me. Potentially slap her a couple times as well. I AM SO READY TO GRADUATE. School is so boring, so long, and so repetitive, and also redundant.

I'm taking 19 credits. 6 of which are literature credits, which I love and have no beef about (on? for?). The rest of those credits are education credits. While UVU has the 2nd best education program in the state, and I feel like everything they teach me is worth while, they all teach the same things. I learn about the same 5 philosophers in every class, and I learn about the same management skills in every class. At this point, now that I've done 20+hours of volunteer teacher aide/teaching, I am ready to graduate and intern to have my own class. I am ready to move on. I will probably shake like a leaf my first few weeks on the job, but who doesn't do that?

I am really starting to love teenagers and their personalities, and I am ready to be with them every day. I'm sick of people my age. Mostly girls my age. Tangent: There is one specific girl in a class of mine who drives me up the wall. Each day she gets worse and worse, and each day I get shorter and shorter with her. She is one of those people who needs everyone to like her. I don't care what people think of me. So we don't get along very well. I won't miss her one bit. Tangent over.

I find no point in my assignments anymore. They all feel like busy work. Which is why I'm here instead of doing homework right now.

Ugh. There's just so much inner frustration that I can't even deal with it.

In better news I am decorating for Christmas next weekend and I can't even wait.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


This is Leo. He is my new best friend, biggest nuisance and the newest family member of the Davis home. Sadly this is the best picture I have of him right now, I'm the worst at taking pictures.

Leo is now about 13 weeks old. He has a super mellow and incredibly stubborn personality. He is a super fast learner. Faster than I've seen any other dog. He learned sit within the first few days we had him. He's only had 3 accidents in the house! I mean wow. I was expecting to basically have no carpet at the end of the house training, but he learned really quickly that outside is where it's at! Thank goodness.

He has yet to sleep through the night, and although he now doesn't have to pee in the middle of the night, he gets lonely, so he needs to be reassured that we are still there in the room with him before he can fall asleep again. It's sort of adorable when you think about it, but at 2 a.m. it's not at all.

He loves running with me, and the park is our regular morning spot. He sort of eggs you on to go faster because he looks at me and then picks up his speed. He doesn't have as much endurance yet, but it's getting bigger and bigger every day.

He is just the sweetest when it comes to naps, he loves to cuddle and be near you.

He is growing so fast! The harness in this picture is already too small for him, and he's only been with us 3 weeks. It's crazy how fast they grow. I like that he's getting bigger and getting a little more independence, but I also really love this sweet puppy stage.

His mild temper is awesome, because he almost never barks. He doesn't get crazy hyper, and he loves to just chill. I mean, he's a puppy so he has to get his wiggles out, but he's a very laid back dog, and it's been awesome

Leo is my new baby, and he's almost been a sort of birth control in a way. Taking care of another animal is a lot of work and it takes a lot out of you, and I know that a human would be so much more work. But he is good practice to test out patience as parents.

I'll try to get better pictures of him as he is growing so fast, but like I said, I forget.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sniff Sniff Cough

Been sick the past couple of days, and I'm hoping that it goes away soon because Will and I will be in Yellowstone starting tomorrow for a little over a week

It's been pretty miserable around here, but I've watched all 8 Harry Potter movies, so there's a plus. Since I've been listening to the audio books of Harry Potter the past few weeks, I thought it would be fun to watch the movies. Wrong. It only made the sick me more sick and upset as more and more awesome things were left out of the movies. Let's just say the twins and Neville don't get nearly enough credit.

Will's always funny when I'm sick because I'm not sure he always believes me. This boy is never ever sick, so I can see why he has a hard time understanding where I'm coming from. He's always like "just go on with your day and you'll forget you're sick" haha. Sometimes that works, other times I end up falling asleep at my desk at work. You win some you lose some. At least he got me a smoothie last night.

Being sick is so so boring, and in the summer it's worse because I could be doing way more fun things than just laying here. Hopefully all this sleeping is just a speedy recovery.

On a not so boring note Will and I went to Lagoon last Saturday and it was a blast. Their new ride Cannibal was easily the best roller coaster I've ever been on at any theme park. I vote all of you go now.

I'm not sure if I've talked about this on here before but one of my best friends in high school is seriously dating my most serious boyfriend in high school. I think it's adorable that they are together but it took her months to tell me, which was sad. At this point, if there's a wedding, I'm not so sure that I will be invited.

Have an awesome weekend friends. I will be having a blast with my family in Yellowstone. Mostly because my big sister took a week away from her fancy law school life to come hang with us. I can't even wait.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

3 years of sort of wisdom

It's been a long time since I've posted, but since my marriage just hit 3 years I figured I'd post some bits of things that I've learned about life after being married for 3 whole years (it feels like forever and no time at all at once)

-Living with a boy can get frustrating. They are messy, sometimes gross and big. He takes up bed space sometimes, leaves socks EVERYWHERE, and always seems to have dirty dishes in his office. When we were living in apartments this really bothered me, I think because they were small spaces and I had a big need to keep them clean. But now that we are in a house, they still bother me, just not nearly as much as they used to. Now I feel like our house looks lived in, and that we are comfortable around each other in ways that we don't mind cleaning up after the other (I'm not Mr. Clean by any means)

-Date night time is more important than I thought it would be. We are so busy with out grown up lives that I didn't realize how much time we don't spend with each other some weeks. I know I don't have a lot of room to talk because it is just the two of us, but we always seem to get so busy. I love the night when we go to a movie, or play a game, go on a drive, anything really where we set aside time to be together. It really brings the down weeks up and I always forget how much of a life force my husband is. He has the most amazing energy and I love being around him and breathing that in.

-It's really ok to not have it all together. When I was engaged I assumed that being married would automatically make me super responsible, put together and like, a real adult. I was so wrong. I'm learning now that it's ok to screw up, as I do often. It makes it better being married because he always supports me, but all in all I'm learning that it really is ok if I need to act like a kid sometimes. I'm only 22

-IT'S OK THAT I'M NOT PREGNANT- If I had a dime for every person that asked why I don't have kids yet... ugh.  Just because I've been married over a year doesn't mean that I automatically start popping out babies. It just doesn't. I'm only 22. I'm not mature and I'm still quite a bit selfish. I want to raise my kids in a stable home with a stable mother and I am not stable. I want to be done with school, and live my life just a little before I settle down. I have nothing against those that have babies quickly. Babies are wonderful and I am excited to be a mom someday. I just know that for me it's a someday not today.

-Because I love babies but not massive responsibility I am getting a puppy. Pictures will come in August when I get to take him home. I am nothing short of ecstatic.

-The gospel is important for an individual. When I got married I assumed that I would sort of mesh my testimony with my husband and we would be one with God together. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to learn that a testimony is needed for me and me alone. That my relationship with God is just as important if not more so than my relationship with my husband. So to me it's been a hard and wonderful learning experience.

-Marriage is hard and wonderful all at the same time. I love my husband a whole lot and feel really lucky to be with him every day.

3 years isn't a lot. But I feel like I'm at a point where I can ooze wisdom onto all of you because now I clearly know more than you.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Lazy Perfect Saturdays

Today Will and I had quite a few errands to run, but we did it in the most slow and slothful ways. We watched extreme couponing, Mad Men, went to Wal-mart, Costco, Target, Wingers, Wal-mart again and the Payson Temple. I wasn't able to figure out how to get tickets to go in to the open house, but we drove past it and it was so beautiful. The amount of detail on that temple is amazing and wonderful.

It was also rainy all day long. From 8 am to currently, nothing but rain. It was awesome. Driving down to Payson we took back roads that took us past farms, windmills, mountains etc. I think that I take Utah for granted a lot of the time, but on days like today I get reminded of just how beautiful it really is. I just love it. The clouds were so low and all the grass was extra green. It was amazing. I love city life but I think that I will always like nature more. There's just something majestic about it all. Especially my Utah mountains.

We also cleaned out the other 2 rooms in our house, so now we are officially moved in. Cue party poppers and drinks. My brother is coming to live with us tomorrow for at least a week, potentially the summer, so we figured it would be best if he had a room. Meh.

It's been a pretty lazy summer so far, but boy am I enjoying it.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


So I checked out for a while, but none of you can be mad because I was working on final papers and exams. Which I nailed by the way in case you were wondering.

Since I came out of my finals week cave, Summer has begun and it's been wonderful. I made a one stop shop to my parents book library and picked up lots of junk. Teen fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, adventures, it's all so exciting. I plan on reducing my brain cells this summer, and these books will do the trick.

I went on a hike yesterday, it was over six miles, mostly uphill the whole way, and tons of fun. My friend that I went with is a total fitness nut so she was skipping the whole way as I was panting and resting. Psh. Fitness people. I forgot how much I love being outside. It's fantastic. I welcome the warm weather this year.

I chopped all of my hair off. Almost 8 inches of it. I've never had my hair this short and I totally love it. My thick coarse awful mane of hair is gone and it feels freeing almost. No more heavy mess on my head giving me headaches.

This morning was a landmark for me. I cooked a fried egg without breaking the yolk. What an accomplishment! Cooking correctly, accomplishing something that you have practiced so many times is a great feeling. Who knew that cooking would give you that feeling. I usually got that from a jump shot, free throw, double play, etc. I've started cooking more than I normally do, and I'm starting to enjoy it more than I thought it would. Looks like I'm growing up.
Here is the view from my hike. And this was only half way up.